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  • INTJ Forum has an official chatroom on Discord. Our chatroom is open to the public and available for non-forum members to join.

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  • What is Discord?

    Discord is a is a platform that allows users to chat in real-time. Our default server is a text-based group chatroom, but users also have the ability to send each other private messages, voice chat, video chat, and play interactive games. Discord will run directly in a web browser, but for extra features members can also download standalone apps.



    Discord Accounts

    Discord requires a separate account, but it is possible to synchronize your forum account with your Discord account. It's now also possible to register and login using Discord accounts.

    Each Discord user will have a unique username and a display name. Your username is for your entire account and acts as your default display name if you don't change it. Your display name does not have to be unique and can be changed for each server you join.


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